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Who We Are

Assistant Instructors


Sifu Anthony Iglesias

Head Instructor Wing Chun

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Sifu Anthony Iglesias began his Martial Arts training in 1979 under the guidance of his older brother who was learning the Ishin Ryu style of Karate, Boxing and also the Filipino Martial Arts. He also trained with his brother’s best friend, NYC boxing champion, the late MarioPontillo.

Sifu Anthony later turned to Sifu James O'Brian to learn the White Crane style of Gung Fu and then later directed his full attention to Traditional Wing Chun Gung Fu under Sifu Randall Segrue and SiGung William Cheung. An open mind to all styles of Wing Chun, Sifu Anthony has studied other Wing Chun systems directly and indirectly by  noted masters such as Duncan Leung, Alan Lee,  Ip (Yip) Chun,

Augustine Fong and Sifu Francis Fong.

Although a fully certified instructor Sifu Anthony continues his martial arts journey and education and is currently a full-time student under Sifu John Crescione. A constant student, Sifu Anthony travels monthly to his hometown of New York City to train with his Sifu and on occasion even further to train with other instructors. 


Ishyn Ryu

Western Boxing

Jeet Kune Do

Kali Escrima

White Crane Kung Fu

Wing Chun Kung Fu


Francis Fong Martial Arts Academny Certificate of Achievement (2003)

World Ving Tsun Association- lifetime membership (2005)

SiHing Donald Jennings:

Training at SMAA since 2000

SiHing Alan Knight:

Training at SMAA since 2001

SiHing Terry Tulip:

Training at SMAA since 2004

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